Your Confidence in the Market Makes a Big Impact on Your Clients

Your Confidence in the Market Makes a Big Impact on Your Clients

18 Jul, 2023

Real estate professionals are really good at embracing the ups and downs of the housing market. Those that truly succeed

3 Easy Ways to Help Your Clients Bridge the Affordability Gap

20 Jun, 2023

Today’s economy has left many potential buyers questioning if they can actually purchase a home. Some of the factors influencing

Higher Mortgage Rates Aren’t So Scary Anymore—Why Buyers are Adapting

12 Jun, 2023

For much of 2020 and 2021, the housing industry saw record low mortgage rates. Some buyers were locking in rates

5 Ways Technology Can Enhance Your Agent-Client Relationships

23 May, 2023

As a real estate professional navigating the current market, you understand more than ever the importance of technology in our

How Real Estate Professionals Can Use Artificial Intelligence to Their Advantage

16 May, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI), used to be something you only heard about in science fiction. But science fiction has come to

5 Best Practices All Home Sellers Should Be Doing Now

19 Apr, 2023

With the real estate market slowing down, sellers are now having to take a closer look at their expectations and

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