Velo-Real Estate Blog

Smart Loan Officers Get Referrals from these 5 Uncommon Sources

04 Jun, 2018

We work in a referral business, and smart loan officers know that half the battle is increasing their referral sources.

How Bills Supported by Maryland Realtors Fared in Recent Legislative Session

04 May, 2018

As a title company, Maryland real estate laws are incredibly important to us. They’re also incredibly impactful to our lender

Types of Deeds and What They’re Meant to Do

02 May, 2018

If you’re buying or selling a home, it’s important to have a good understanding of the different types of deeds.

The 10 Best Cities for Real Estate Agents in 2018 are…

13 Apr, 2018

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top real estate agents in the country earn over $100,000 a year.

With our Powers Combined…Four Ways to Earn More Realtor Referrals

06 Apr, 2018

Batman had Robin. Steve Jobs had Steve Wozniak. John Lennon had Paul McCartney. And loan officers have real estate agents.

8 Smarter Ways to Invest in Rental Property

23 Mar, 2018

Working with income property is a different beast entirely. Rental properties are great investments if they provide passive income and

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