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Examining Real Estate Deeds: The Different Types and Why You Need Them
There are many different types of deeds in real estate, and sometimes the purpose for each can be confusing. If

4 Digital Marketing Real Estate Trends You Should Embrace Right Now
It’s a common theme—technology and real estate. With the post-COVID era of everything being virtual, real estate professionals should be

It’s a Must: Understanding the True Value of Title Insurance
It’s super important—purchasing a home. In fact, it ranks as the single largest investment for most working families. But do

Your Confidence in the Market Makes a Big Impact on Your Clients
Real estate professionals are really good at embracing the ups and downs of the housing market. Those that truly succeed

3 Easy Ways to Help Your Clients Bridge the Affordability Gap
Today’s economy has left many potential buyers questioning if they can actually purchase a home. Some of the factors influencing

Higher Mortgage Rates Aren’t So Scary Anymore—Why Buyers are Adapting
For much of 2020 and 2021, the housing industry saw record low mortgage rates. Some buyers were locking in rates